Well, it has come and gone. The Austin boys (and girl) are still on their way back to Texas, so here's a wrap from around the web on Adepticon 2011.
The Back 40k has an interesting discussion on the 40k Championship tournament pack. It has been a topic of discussion this weekend among the locals that didn't attend Adepticon and we're all eager to hear from the players themselves. "I don't think the tourney was a failure as a result, but I don't want to see this system used again either" from Sandwyrm @ The Back 40k echos other's comments, but some mentioned that the setup was an ingenious way to squeeze both a normal RT and Win-Loss event into the same tournament.
Dark Future Gaming also has some great reports on all different areas of Adepticon this year: the cool Boarding Captain no one got because the line was so long (I kid, I kid), tons of Team Tournament pics, some cool models from Gladiator, and even a report on Fantasy at Adepticon.
And let's not forget Brent's Road Trip video over at Strictly Average.
The rest of the best Adepticon reports from around the web:
- Funderhammer raving about Privateer Press and Mathieu Fontaine's class. (We had him in Austin for a Masterclass; he is most excellent.)
- Brian Carlson Miniatures: Team Tournament Recap (great pics!)
- The Back 40k: Two Hours With Dan Abnett
- Craftworld Lancing: tons of great pics
- Apocalypse 40k: Won Best Team Appearance, Team Tournament Results
- The Madhouse Workshop